
Chemical Stability and Compatibility - Yttrium (Y) internal standard stability

We purchase customized standard solutions from your company for our ICP-OES. Among one of those solutions, we order 10,000ug/mL Yttrium in 2% (v/v) HNO3 (catalog # CGY10) that we use as our internal standard. A couple of weeks ago, we started getting 170-200 percent recoveries for Yttrium, although everything was prepared the same. We have not had any issues in the past regarding this and I am curious to know the reason why our internal standard recovery were so high. Do you have any knowledge of the reactivity of Yttrium over time? Have you had any other customers that experienced something similar? We use Yttrium because it is inert and classified as a rare earth elements therefore we would not expect to find it among our materials. Any information you can provide is greatly appreciated.
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admin Total posts: 529

Yttrium is typically a very good choice for an internal standard for the very reasons you mention. However, there are some matrices (e.g., HF) and preparations that could compromise its effectiveness. Could you please provide some additional details regarding your analytical method, such as monitored emission lines and sample preparation (matrix and concentrations)? One additional question we do have regards the calculation of recovery; is your instrument software calculating recovery as the observed Y signal intensity in a sample relative to the Y signal intensity observed in a specific reference solution (e.g., a calibration blank or standard)?


Posted: 09/02/18 21:41:10

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