
Chemical Stability and Compatibility - Blending cadmium (Cd), lead (Pb) and copper (Cu)

I have a question regarding the stability of a blend made up of 1000 ppm Cd, Pb, and Cu. Will this solution be stable for the same amount of time as the individual standards?
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admin Total posts: 529
A Cd, Pb, and Cu mixture in a dilute nitric acid matrix packaged in LDPE bottles cleaned with nitric acid would be ideal. Your blend would be stable indefinitely based upon transpiration studies conducted on single and multi-component systems. There are no inter-metallic compounds formed, nor is there photo-sensitivity under these conditions. If you have experienced instability, look for the presence of impurities such as trace amounts of sulfate, chloride, or organics. These impurities can be found in the water and the apparati used to prepare the standards and storage containers.
Posted: 09/03/18 22:06:08

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