
Sample Preparation - Neutralizing HF with TEA (triethanolamine)

A question has come up regarding the neutralization of HF using TEA (triethanolamine).The digested sample will have residual HF, and we are asking what concentration of TEA may need to be added to perhaps 1 to 2% residual HF. The elements of interest in the sample are Mg and Ti.
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admin Total posts: 529
We would recommend neutralizing on a 1:1 molar basis, where concentrated HF is 28.8 molar (M) and TEA is ~6.5 M.  It would therefore take about a 5% solution of TEA to neutralize ~1% HF.  You want the TEA to be in slight excess or just bring the pH up to 7-8.
Posted: 09/07/18 02:55:58

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