
Chemical Stability and Compatibility - Iodate (IO3) solution in potassium iodide (KI)

Is it possible to make an iodate ion solution in a potassium iodate matrix? A client prepared an iodate solution in water and got the expected iodate peak with their IC. But when they prepared it in potassium iodide solution the iodate peak disappeared from their chromatogram. Is this due to an oxidation-reduction reaction?
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admin Total posts: 529

It should be possible to make a solution of potassium iodate in a potassium iodide solution, but the iodate will be reduced under acidic conditions, and this may be occurring. Iodate/iodide mixtures, particularly when used for titrations, arefrequently certified for iodine, reflecting the reduction of iodate at lower pH values.  Any information regarding the nature of the iodate source (assuming potassium iodate) and details of IC method (e.g., eluent) might allow us to offer more definitive suggestions.

Posted: 09/02/18 22:51:11

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