
Sample Preparation - HF neutralization with UniSolve (UNS) products

I am writing regarding the use of reagent UA-1 and neutralizers UNS-1 and UNS-100. I am most concerned about the neutralization of HF. Does UNS-100 work with UA-1 as well or better than UNS-1? Is either UNS-1 or UNS-100 guaranteed to neutralize HF?
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Both UNS-1 and UNS-100 will work to neutralize HF present in UA-1. Both of the UNS products listed contain TEA (trietahnolamine), which is the compound Inorganic Ventures used to neutralize HF-containing samples prior to implementing our HF-resistant sample introduction system.

Posted: 09/06/18 04:28:43

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