
Sample Preparation - Creation of 1000 mL High Standard

What concentration of stock solutions would you recommend purchasing -would recommend purchasing a 10,000 ppm (1%) stock solutions- If I may ask how would you prepare a 1000mL High standard using the 1% stocks We are Looking for… ICap 6500 Duo ICP-OESN 4-9%P 12-23%K 2-8%Fe 5%Mn 1-6%Zn 1-9%Cu 1-7%Ca 3%B 5%Mo 1%S 3-8%
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What concentration of stock solutions would you recommend purchasing -would recommend purchasing a 10,000 ppm (1%) stock solutions- If I may ask how would you prepare a 1000mL High standard using the 1% stocks We are Looking for… ICap 6500 Duo ICP-OESN 4-9%P 12-23%K 2-8%Fe 5%Mn 1-6%Zn 1-9%Cu 1-7%Ca 3%B 5%Mo 1%S 3-8%

Posted: 09/06/18 04:00:14

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