
General Spectroscopy - Cesium as ionization buffer

We currently have an order for several custom standards, and it has been recommended to use a cesium ionization buffer for the alkali Na/K in these matrices. Can someone explain how one might use such a buffer in this instance? I'm not familiar with its use. Should it be added to the standard?
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admin Total posts: 529
ICP-OES is an optical thin emitter in the radial view mode but axial view is an emitter of over 1 cm in length. The effect of the electron density is therefore (to a lesser extent) acting as in flame atomic absorption. The role of the Cs is to supply an abundance of electrons in the emission area thereby buffering the effect of other electron sources such as that of Na on K or vice versa. In short, the addition of Cs to all analytical solutions (standards and samples) will benefit the measurement of easily ionizable metals such as Na and K.
Posted: 09/04/18 21:13:39

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